Report Number: CS-TR-87-1170
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Viewing Knowledge Bases as Qualitative Models
Author: Clancey, William J.
Date: May 1986
Abstract: The concept of a qualitative model provides a unifying
perspective for understanding how expert systems differ from
conventional programs. Knowledge bases contain qualitative
models of systems in the world, that is primarily non-numeric
descriptions that provide a basis for explaining and
predicting behavior and formulating action plans. The
prevalent view that a qualitative model must be a simulation,
to the exclusion of prototypic and behavioral descriptions,
has fragmented our field, so that we have failed to usefully
synthesize what we have learned about modeling processes. For
example, our ideas about "scoring functions" and "casual
network traversal," developed apart from a modeling
perspective, have obscured the inherent explanatory nature of
diagnosis. While knowledge engineering has greatly benefited
from the study of human experts as a means of informing model
construction, overemphasis on modeling the expert's knowledge
has detracted from the primary objective of modeling a system
in the world. Placing AI squarely in the evolutionary line of
telelogic and topologic modeling, this talk argues that the
study of network representations has established a foundation
for a science and engineering of qualitative models.