Report Number: CS-TR-87-1159
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Muir: A Tool for Language Design
Author: Winograd, Terry A.
Date: May 1987
Abstract: Muir is a language design environment, intended for use in
creating and experimenting with languages such as programming
languages, specification languages, grammar forrnalisms, and
logical notations. It provides facilities for a language
designer to create a language specification, which controls
the behavior of generic language manipulating tools typically
found in a language-specific environment, such as structure
editors, interactive interfaces, storage management and
attribute analysis. It is oriented towards use with evolving
languages, providing for mixed structures (combining
different versions), semi-automated updating of structures
from one language version to another, and incremental
language specification. A new hierarchical grammar formalism
serves as the framework for language specification, with
multiple presentation formalisms and a unified interactive
environment based on an extended notion of edit operations. A
prototype version is operating and has been tested on a small
number of languages.