Report Number: CS-TR-87-1148
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: An Instrumented Architectural Simulation System
Author: Delagi, B.
Author: Saraiya, N.
Author: Nishimura, S.
Author: Byrd, G.
Date: January 1987
Abstract: Simulation of systems at an architectural level can offer an
effective way to study critical design choices if
1. the performance of the simulator is adequate to examine
designs executing significant code bodies -- not just toy
problems or small application fragments
2. the details of the simulation include the critical details
of the design
3. The view of the design presented by the simulator
instrumentation leads to useful insights on the problems with
the design
4. there is enough flexibility in the simulation system so
that the asking of unplanned questions is not suppressed by
the weight of the mechanics involved in making changes either
in the design or its measurement.
A simulation system with these goals is described together
with the approach to its implementation. Its application to
the study of a particular class of multiprocessor hardware
system architectures is illustrated.