Report Number: CS-TR-83-989
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A programming and problem-solving seminar
Author: Knuth, Donald E.
Author: Weening, Joseph S.
Date: December 1983
Abstract: This report contains edited transcripts of the discussions
held in Stanford's course CS 204, Problem Seminar, during
autumn quarter 1981. Since the topics span a large range of
ideas in computer science, and since most of the important
research paradigms and programming paradigms were touched on
during the discussions, these notes may be of interest to
graduate students of computer science at other universities,
as well as to their professors and to professional people in
the "real world."
The present report is the fourth in a series of such
transcripts, continuing the tradition established in CS606
(Michael J. Clancy, 1977), CS707 (Chris Van Wyk, 1979), and
CS863 (Allan A. Miller, 1981).