Report Number: CS-TR-83-967
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Verification of concurrent programs: a temporal proof system
Author: Manna, Z ohar
Author: Pnueli, Amir
Date: June 1983
Abstract: A proof system based on temporal logic is presented for
proving properties of concurrent programs based on the
shared-variables computation model. The system consists of
three parts: the general uninterpreted part, the domain
dependent part and the program dependent part. In the general
part we give a complete proof system for first-order temporal
logic with detailed proofs of useful theorems. This logic
enables reasoning about general time sequences. The domain
dependent part characterizes the special properties of the
domain over which the program operates. The program dependent
part introduces program axioms which restrict the time
sequences considered to be execution sequences of a given
The utility of the full system is demonstrated by proving
invariance, liveness and precedence properties of several
concurrent programs. Derived proof principles for these
classes of properties are obtained and lead to a compact
representation of proofs.