Report Number: CS-TR-82-922
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: An approach to verifying completeness and consistency in a
rule-based expert system
Author: Suwa, Motoi
Author: Scott, A. Carlisle
Author: Shortliffe, Edward H.
Date: June 1982
Abstract: We describe a program for verifying that a set of rules in an
expert system comprehensively spans the knowledge of a
specialized domain. The program has been devised and tested
within the context of the ONCOCIN System, a rule-based
consultant for clinical oncology. The stylized format of
ONCOCIN's rules has allowed the automatic detection of a
number of common errors as the knowledge base has been
developed. This capability suggests a general mechanism for
correcting many problems with knowledge base completeness and
consistency before they can cause performance errors.