Report Number: CS-TR-80-811
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: An extended semantic definition of Pascal for proving the
absence of common runtime errors
Author: German, Steven M.
Date: June 1980
Abstract: We present an axiomatic definition of Pascal which is the
logical basis of the Runcheck system, a working verifier for
proving the absence of runtime errors such as arlthmetic
overflow, array subscripting out of range, and accessing an
uninitialized variable. Such errors cannot be detected at
compile time by most compilers. Because the occurrence of a
runtime error may depend on the values of data supplied to a
program, techniques for assuring the absence of errors must
be based on program specifications. Runcheck accepts Pascal
programs documented with assertions, and proves that the
specifications are consistent with the program and that no
runtime errors can occur. Our axiomatic definition is similar
to Hoare's axiom system, but it takes into account certain
restrictions that have not been considered in previous
definitions. For instance, our definition accurately models
uninitialized variables, and requires a variable to have a
well defined value before it can be accessed. The logical
problems of introducing the concept of uninitialized
variables are discussed. Our definition of expression
evaluation deals more fully with function calls than previous
axiomatic definitions.
Some generalizations of our semantics are presented,
including a new method for verifying programs with procedure
and function parameters. Our semantics can be easily adopted
to similar languages, such as ADA.
One of the main potential problems for the user of a verifier
is the need to write detailed, repetitious assertions. We
develop some simple logical properties of our definition
which are exploited by Runcheck to reduce the need for such
detailed assertions.