Report Number: CS-TR-80-796
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Essential E
Author: Samuel, Arthur L.
Date: March 1980
Abstract: This is an introductory manual describing the
display-oriented text editor E that is available on the
Stanford A.I. Laboratory PDP-10 computer. The present manual
is intended to be used as an aid for the beginner as well as
for experienced computer users who either are unfamiliar with
the E editor or use it infrequently. Reference is made to the
two on-line manuals that help the beginner to get started and
that provide a complete description of the editor for the
experienced user.
E is commonly used for writing computer programs and for
preparing reports and memoranda. It is not a document editor,
although it does provide some facilities for getting a
document into a pleasing format. The primary emphasis is that
of speed, both in terms of the number of key strokes required
of the user and in terms of the demands made on the computer
system. At the same time, E is easy to learn and it offers a
large range of facilities that are not available on many