Report Number: CS-TR-80-789
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: ADA exceptions: specification and proof techniques
Author: Luckham, David C.
Author: Polak, Wolfgang
Date: February 1980
Abstract: A method of documenting exception propagation and handling in
Ada programs is proposed. Exception propagation declarations
are introduced as a new component of Ada specifications. This
permits documentation of those exceptions that can be
propagated by a subprogram. Exception handlers are documented
by entry assertions. Axioms and proof rules for Ada
exceptions are given. These rules are simple extensions of
previous rules for Pascal and define an axiomatic semantics
of Ada exceptions. As a result, Ada programs specified
according to the method can be analysed by formal proof
techniques for consistency with their specifications, even if
they employ exception propagation and handling to achieve
required results (i.e. non-error situations). Example
verifications are given.