Report Number: CS-TR-78-651
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Proving termination and multiset orderings
Author: Dershowitz, Nachum
Author: Manna, Z ohar
Date: March 1978
Abstract: A common tool for proving the termination of programs is the
well-founded set, a set ordered in such a way as to admit no
infinite descending sequences. The basic approach is to find
a termination function that maps the elements of the program
into some well-founded set, such that the value of the
termination function is continually reduced throughout the
computation. All too often, the termination functions
required are difficult to find and are of a complexity out of
proportion to the program under consideration. However, by
providing more sophisticated well-founded sets, the
corresponding termination functions can be simplified.
Given a well-founded set S, we consider multisets over S,
"sets" that admit multiple occurrences of elements taken from
S. We define an ordering on all finite multisets over S that
is induced by the given ordering on S. This multiset ordering
is shown to be well-founded.
The value of the multiset ordering is that it permits the use
of relatively simple and intuitive termination functions in
otherwise difficult termination proofs. In particular, we
apply the multiset ordering to provide simple proofs of the
termination of production systems, programs defined in terms
of sets of rewriting rules.