Report Number: CS-TR-76-578
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Theoretical and practical aspects of some initial-boundary
value problems in fluid dynamics
Author: Oliger, Joseph
Author: Sundstroem, Arne
Date: November 1976
Abstract: Initial-boundary value problems for several systems of
partial differential equations from fluid dynamics are
discussed. Both rigid wall and open boundary problems are
treated. Boundary conditions are formulated and shown to
yield well-posed problems for the Eulerian equations for gas
dynamics, the shallow-water equations, and linearized
constant coefficient versions of the incompressible,
anelastic equations. The "primitive" hydrostatic
meteorological equations are shown to be ill-posed with any
specification of local, pointwise boundary conditions.
Analysis of simplified versions of this system illustrates
the mechanism responsible for ill-posedness.