Report Number: CS-TR-76-405
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Stanford Computer Science Department research report.
Author: Davis, Randall
Author: Wright, Margaret H.
Date: January 1976
Abstract: This collection of reports is divided into two sections. The
first contains the research summaries for individual faculty
members and research associates in the Computer Science
Department. Two professors from Electrical Engineering are
included as "Affiliated Faculty" because their interests are
closely related to those of the Department.
The second section gives an overview of the activities of
research groups in the Department. "Group" here is taken to
imply many different things, including people related by
various degrees of intellectual interests, physical
proximity, or funding considerations. We have tried to
describe any group whose scope of interest is greater than
that of one person. The list of recent publications for each
is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to give a
feeling for the range of topics considered.
This collection of reports has been assembled to provide a
reasonably comprehensive review of research activities in the
Department. We hope that it will be widely useful -- in
particular, students in the Department may find it helpful in
discovering interesting projects and possible thesis topics.
We expect also that it will be of interest to many other
people, both within and outside the Department.