Report Number: CS-TR-73-386
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A corner finder for visual feedback.
Author: Perkins, W. A.
Author: Binford, Thomas O.
Date: August 1973
Abstract: In visual-feedback work often a model of an object and its
approximate location are known and it is only necessary to
determine its location and orientation more accurately. The
purpose of the program described herein is to provide such
information for the case in which the model is an edge or
corner. Given a model of a line or a corner with two or three
edges, the program searches a TV window of arbitrary size
looking for one or all corners which match the model. A
model-driven program directs the search. It calls on another
program to find all lines inside the window. Then it looks at
these lines and eliminates lines which cannot match any of
the model lines. It next calls on a program to form vertices
and then checks for a matching vertex. If this simple
procedure fails, the model-driver has two backup procedures.
First it works with the lines that it has and tries to form a
matching vertex (corner). If this fails, it matches parts of
the model with vertices and lines that are present and then
takes a careful look in a small region in which it expects to
find a missing line. The program often finds weak contrast
edges in this manner. Lines are found by a global method
after the entire window has been scanned with the Hueckel
edge operator.