Report Number: CS-TR-73-330
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Axioms and theorems for integers, lists and finite sets in
Author: Newey, Malcolm C.
Date: January 1973
Abstract: LCF (Logic for Computable Functions) is being promoted as a
formal language suitable for the discussion of various
problems in the Mathematical Theory of Computation (MTC). To
this end, several examples of MTC problems have been
formalised and proofs have been exhibited using the LCF
proof-checker. However, in these examples, there has been a
certain amount of ad-hoc-ery in the proofs; namely, many
mathematical theorems have been assumed without proof and no
axiomatisation of the mathematical domains involved was
given. This paper describes a suitable mathematical
environment for future LCF experiments and its axiomatic
basis. The environment developed, deemed appropriate for such
experiments, consists of a large body of theorems from the
areas of integer arithmetic, list manipulation and finite set