Report Number: CS-TR-70-160
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A model for parallel computer systems
Author: Bredt, Thomas H.
Author: McCluskey, Edward J.
Date: April 1970
Abstract: A flow table model is defined for parallel computer systems.
In this model, fundamental-mode flow tables are used to
describe the operation of system componenets, which may be
programs or circuits. Components communicate by changing the
values on interconnecting lines which carry binary level
signals. It is assumed that there is no bound on the time for
value changes to propagate over the interconnecting lines.
Given this delay assumption, it is necessary to specify a
mode of operation for system components such that input
changes which arrive while a component is unstable do not
affect the operation of the component. Such a mode of
operation is specified. Using the flow table model, a new
control algorithm for the two-process mutual exclusion
problem is designed. This algorithm does not depend on the
exclusive execution of any primitive operations used in its
implementation. A circuit implementation of the control
algorithm is described.