Report Number: CS-TR-67-79
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: 360 O.S. FORTRAN IV free field input/output subroutine
Author: Doran, Robert W.
Date: October 1967
Abstract: Programmers dealing with aspects of natural language
processing have a difficult task in choosing a computer
language which enables them to program easily, produce
efficient code and accept as data freely written sentences
with words of arbitrary length. List processing languages
such as LISP are reasonably easy to program in but do not
execute very quickly. Other, formula oriented, languages like
FORTRAN are not provided with free field input.
The Computational Linguistics group at the Stanford
University Computer Science Department is writing a system
for testing transformational grammars. As these grammars are
generally large and complicated, it is important to make the
system as efficient as possible, so we are using FORTRAN IV
(O.S. on IBM 360-65) as our language. To enable us to handle
free field input we have developed a subroutine package which
we describe here in the hope that it will be useful to others
embarking on natural language tasks.
The package consists of two main programs, free field reader,
free field writer, with a number of utility routines and
constant COMMON blocks.