Report Number: CS-TR-64-6
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A fast direct solution of Poisson's equation using Fourier
Author: Hockney, Roger W.
Date: April 1964
Abstract: The demand for rapid procedures to solve Poisson's equation
has lead to the development of a direct method of solution
involving Fourier analysis which can solve Poisson's equation
in a square region covered by a 48 x 48 mesh in 0.9 seconds
on the IBM 7090. This compares favorably with the best
iterative methods which would require about 10 seconds to
solve the same problem.
The method is applicable to rectangular regions with simple
boundary conditions and the maximum observed error in the
potential for several random charge distributions is $5
\times\ 10^{-7}$ of the maximum potential charge in the