Report Number: CS-TR-64-11
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Elastic-plastic analysis of trusses by the gradient
projection method
Author: Nakamura, Tsuneyoshi
Author: Rosen, Judah Ben
Date: July 1964
Abstract: The gradient projection method has been applied to the
problem of obtaining the elastic-plastic response of a
perfectly plastic ideal truss with several degrees of
redundancy to several independently varying sets of
quasi-static loads. It is proved that the minimization of
stress rate intensity subject to a set of yield inequalities
is equivalent to the maximization process of the gradient
projection method. This equivalence proof establishes the
basis of the computational method. The technique is applied
to the problem of investigating the possibilities of shake
down and to limit analysis. A closed convex "safe load
domain" is defined to represent the load carrying capacity
characteristics of a truss subjected to various combinations
of the several sets of loads.