Report Number: CS-TN-96-31
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Classes = Objects + Data Abstraction
Author: Fisher, Kathleen
Author: Mitchell, John C.
Date: January 1996
Abstract: We describe a type-theoretic foundation for object systems
that include ``interface types'' and ``implementation
types.'' Our approach begins with a basic object calculus
that provides a notion of object, method lookup, and object
extension (an object-based form of inheritance). In this
calculus, the type of an object gives its interface, as a set
of methods and their types, but does not imply any
implementation properties. We extend this object calculus
with a higher-order form of data abstraction that allows us
to declare supertypes of an abstract type and a list of
methods guaranteed not to be present. This results in a
flexible framework for studying and improving practical
programming languages where the type of an object gives
certain implementation guarantees, such as would be needed to
statically determine the offset of a method or safely
implement binary operations without exposing the internal
representation of objects. We prove type soundness for the
entire language using operational semantics and an analysis
of typing derivations. One insight that is an immediate
consequences of our analysis is a principled, type-theoretic
explanation (for the first time, as far as we know) of the
link between subtyping and inheritance in C++, Eiffel and
related languages.