import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class implements all of the administrative functions
* such as adding and editing author definitions and adding
* literary criticism (reviews).
public class Admin extends LitsearchBase {
public String drawPage(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
String func = request.getParameter("function");
if (func == null) func = "";
String text = "";
//Dispatch based on value of the "function" parameter
if (func.equals("addreview")) {
text += addReview(request);
} else if (func.equals("addauthor")) {
text += addAuthor(request);
} else if (func.equals("editauthor")) {
text += editAuthor(request);
} else if (func.equals("delwb")) {
text += editAuthor(request);
} else if (func.equals("addwb")) {
text += editAuthor(request);
} else {
//Can't figure out what they want to do. Show the welcome screen.
text += "Welcome to the administrator control panel.
text += "Please select a function:
text += "Add a critical analysis
text += "Add an author record
text += "Edit an author record
text += "Exit
return text;
* Adds a piece of criticism to the database -- it gets input from
* the user, and stores it in a review record.
private String addReview(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
String title = request.getParameter("title");
String critic = request.getParameter("critic");
String url = request.getParameter("url");
String synopsis = request.getParameter("synopsis");
String publication = request.getParameter("publication");
String work = request.getParameter("work");
//If there's not enough data to do anything, present the user with
//an editing form
if (title == null || critic == null || url == null || synopsis == null ||
publication == null || work == null || title.length() < 3) {
if (title == null) title = "";
if (critic== null) critic = "";
if (url == null) url = "";
if (synopsis == null) synopsis = "";
if (publication == null) publication = "";
if (work == null) work = "";
if (title == null) title = "";
Template t = new Template(TEMPLATE_DIR + "editreview.html");
t.substitute("MESSAGE", "Please fill out all of the fields below:");
t.substitute("TITLE", title);
t.substitute("CRITIC", critic);
t.substitute("URL", url);
t.substitute("SYNOPSIS", synopsis);
t.substitute("PUBLICATION", publication);
t.substitute("WORK", work);
return t.toString();
//Otherwise insert the criticism.
ConnectionWrapper wrapper = null;
try {
wrapper = DatabaseHook.getConnection();
Connection c = wrapper.connection();
Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
String update = "INSERT INTO Criticism VALUES (" +
formatString(title) + ", " +
formatString(critic) + ", " +
formatString(url) + ", " +
formatString(synopsis) + ", " +
formatString(publication) + ", '')";
ArrayList idsToAdd = new ArrayList();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery
("SELECT id FROM Work WHERE title LIKE '" + work + "%'");
while ( {
for (int i = 0; i < idsToAdd.size(); i++) {
update = "INSERT INTO WorkCriticized VALUES (" +
formatString(url) + ", " +
(String) idsToAdd.get(i) + ")";
return "Successfully added the analysis entitled: " + title + "
\n" +
"Attached analysis to " + idsToAdd.size() + " works.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
* Adds an author record to the database.
private String addAuthor(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
String name = request.getParameter("name");
String birth = request.getParameter("birth");
String death = request.getParameter("death");
String desc = request.getParameter("description");
if (name == null || birth == null || death == null || desc == null ||
name.length() < 3) {
if (name == null) name = "";
if (birth == null) birth = "";
if (death == null) death= "";
if (desc == null) desc = "";
Template t = new Template(TEMPLATE_DIR + "editauthor.html");
t.substitute("MESSAGE", "Please fill out the following information about the author:");
t.substitute("NAME", name);
t.substitute("BIRTH", birth);
t.substitute("DEATH", death);
t.substitute("DESCRIPTION", desc);
t.substitute("WORKS", "");
return t.toString();
ConnectionWrapper wrapper = null;
try {
wrapper = DatabaseHook.getConnection();
Connection c = wrapper.connection();
Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
if (birth.equals("")) birth = "0";
if (death.equals("")) death = "0";
String update = "INSERT INTO Author VALUES (" +
formatString(name) + ", " + birth + ", " + death + ", " +
formatString(desc) + ")";
return "Successfully added the author: " + name + " to the database.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
* Edits an author record in the database
private String editAuthor(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
String name = request.getParameter("name");
String birth = request.getParameter("birth");
String death = request.getParameter("death");
String desc = request.getParameter("description");
String text = "";
if (name == null || name.length() < 3) {
text += "